Saturday, May 2, 2009

Finding Time to Write


It can be hard to balance life and writing, but here are some tips to keep in touch with the inner writer:

1) Have obligations. Become a staff writer or make a promise to send in XXX ammount of submissions each month to a certain publication. There are plenty of small writing markets out there that could use a steady writer to send in submissions faithfully. Having an obligation keeps you focused and it also builds your writing portfolio.

2) Give yourself a "Writing Day". Set aside one day (per week or month, depending on your schedule) that you can focus just on your writing projects.

3) Get involved in a writing group. Your passion for writing grows when you're with other writers! Plus, you can gather feedback on your writing.

4) Keep a log or record of your publications. This will help encourage you whenever you're needing a confidence boost. Plus, it's nice to have a visual record of all your hard work!

5) Have writing websites that you check up on frequently (i.e.www.

6) Read a book. It not only puts you in the right mood, but helps you to improve your own writing style as well!

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