Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Weighted Words Part II

As summer time heats up, so does the push to work out! And, to stay true to our analogy, the writer should be making sure their writing stays healthy by cutting out any unncessary words.

Let's examine some of the equipment in a writer's workout room:

The "Key Mill"

Your keyboard is your treadmill. It's good practice to write on a regular basis... diary entries, blogs, short articles, etc. This practice keeps you from growing stagnate in your writing.

The Flexi-Word

Just like those stretchable bands, writers need to be flexible with their words. If an editor cuts words out, don't flex out of shape! The ability to adapt to any scenario will help shape your writing strength.

Word Weights

Assign value to key descriptive words or phrases. Don't overload your story with detail, but make sure that your descriptions carry significance in your story line. Make sure that your writing is strong enough to carry the reader through the tide of words (too much description will not only drown the reader in useless information, but it will also cause the reader to set the book or article down).

All of these "exercises" will help you in your writing journey and help you balance your passion with a clear-cut purpose.

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