Saturday, March 31, 2012

Some Thoughts...

The other day, while I was driving home from work and glaring at every red light, something caught the corner of my eye...

It was a little boy who had just left school. It seemed like an ordinary event, except for the fact that the little boy was trying to climb up the steep incline next to the pedestrian-friendly sidewalk. He kept sliding, but he pressed forward, his backpack swaying and his untied sneakers digging into the ground.

The light turned green and I moved forward, but the scene in my rearview mirror made me think...

Isn't writing just like the little boy who chose to climb rather than take the smoothly paved route?

It is easy to file away your story, forget you ever wrote anything, and take the easy way out. It is harder to keep submitting your story, piling up the rejections, and digging in your heels until you have the footing to take another step up the incline leading to publication.

Challenge yourself. Are you a climber or do you enjoy the sidewalk?

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