Wednesday, February 16, 2011

February's Topic, Post #1

Since the remainder of this month is focused on "Writing Conferences," here are some tips to help you brave your first conference!!

1. Don't overprint...

It is not likely that the editor or agent will want to keep a personal copy of your manuscript. They may just ask that you e-mail them after the conference is over. You'll save time and money by just printing up a few copies, and then if you need more, stop by your local Staples (your briefcase will thank-you!).

2. Know why you are there...

Don't set up an appointment with the agent or editor without doing some research first. Treat it like a job interview. Is your writing a good fit for their company? Do they even publish the type of material you've worked so hard on?

3. Be ready with a pitch, and practice on someone honest!

When you are promoting your book idea, have an "elevator pitch." This is a short, one minute blurb about your book idea. Channel your inner salesman and show your passion about your writing! If you're not excited about your book proposal, then chances are, why should anyone else be? Your pitch should include the need for the book (why does your audience need this message?), the theme of the book (what is the plot? What makes it unique?), and the qualifications of the writer (what research did you do? What are your publishing credentials? Have you written on this topic before?).

Comments, questions, click below!!!


Anonymous said...

very good points! very practical :)

Anonymous said...

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