Friday, February 18, 2011

Up, down, and all around: The Writer's Roller Coaster

Have been working all week on sending out proposals, and on the many writing projects stored in folders all over my desktop!! Tonight, I received some postive news on a book project of mine... so I am praying and anxiously waiting to see what God has in store!

And while enjoying this happy writing glow, I came up with another post for the blog... Writing is a roller coaster of emotions. There's nothing quite so frightening as clicking the "send" button on that e-mail proposal and nothing so exhilarating as that very first publication!

I firmly believe that God is the one constant that never changes in the writing equation. His message pushes on through rejections, late nights writing, and even on the printed page. The Bible says that our tongues are the "pens of ready writers," and we are truly blessed to be given words to praise our Maker with! So take a spin on the Writer's Roller Coaster, and know that the message of the King is our mission!

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