Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Tip from Lydia's Files

In the labrynth of folders on my desktop, you will find a single Word document that has saved this writer from countless hours of re-writing. This document is one that every writer should have handy. And let me tell you why...

The name of this folder should explain it all: Character Descriptions for the Forgetful Author.

We've all had it happen to us. The villain's eyes change from blue to brown depending on what chapter you read. The scheming stepmother went from being skinnier than a bean pole to being rather plump. This is where a single file, containing all descriptions, will save you from going back and re-writing half the book to erase the memory of that pesky blue-eyed villain and weight-challenged stepmother.

Simply copy and paste all descriptions from your book into a separate Word document. Every time you introduce a new character, add him or her to this handy dandy file. Then, as a finishing touch, name the file something that pokes fun of your writer's memory. :-)

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