Monday, March 7, 2011

Cleaning out...

The agenda for tonight is to clean my house. Mop, laundry, and put away everything I spent all week leaving out. In fact, I am still herding all my shoes back into the closet. They have a tendency to roam across the house and hide underneath the sofa. Just finished mopping the kitchen floor, on hands and knees because I'm too stubborn to buy a mop to go with my oh-so-wonderful Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser mophead.

And then... in the midst of this household frenzy, the idea hit me... Writing is like cleaning your house. When you go back and edit, you find all of those sentences you left hanging out to dry. Or maybe, it's time to mop up a paragraph or two, completely erasing its memory from the storyline. Sometimes, you should just delete, and other times, you should just polish your prose.

For the writer, it's always time to clean house. :-)


Unknown said...

I can relate . . . .my WHOLE HOUSE has a tendency to roam across the house and hide underneath the sofa . . . seemingly overflowing to all the other rooms !! AAGGHH !!

Lydia Collins said...

Thanks T! :-)
Why is it that everything usually ends up under the sofa?? LOL Or under the cushions? :-) God bless... Lydia Collins