Friday, March 11, 2011

The Write Moment

When do you find those precious scraps of time to finish your latest writing project? When can you find the right time? It's tough. We've all been down that path of having a story burn in our fingertips but no access to the oh-so-necessary keyboard and compuer.

So here are some tips (that I've used this week!) to help you make the most of the writing moments that do come your way:

1. Write at Work
You've all heard of the invention of the lunch break, right? Use those 15-20 minutes (if you can) to finish up a few paragraphs on your latest chapter. It will add up!

FYI: Tolkien wrote on the job... He was a schoolteacher and he used the back of whatever paper he could find to jot down his thoughts and stories.

2. Write at Home
Before you get up, go to work, or school, get up a little earlier. Use the the early morning hours and skip a t.v. show later that evening to make time for your writing.

3. Write when Inspired
Have a thought that just crossed your mind? Don't forget it! Jot it down... write a text to yourself, or keep a journal handy for your sudden inspirations!


Mason said...

I find that writing whatever is on your mind throuought the day can be pretty interesting. If you take all of those thoughts and put them into a story, watch out. The outcome can be quite interesting.

Lydia Collins said...

It definitely can! :-) Glad you enjoyed the post.. God bless!